Dingo Dreaming Habitat Rehabilitation
- Mick looks as Happy to see Dawny Do Do as she is to see him.
- Bob and Dawn
- Dawn and Mick having a moment.
Stage 2 of Lake Envy…
After the last 3 days of rain, 27.5 ml for 2015 so far.
Top left still shows you a Sweet Briar Rose that has to be dug out by hand. There was a lot of it to remove along with Hawthorn, Blackberries, Broom and some non native rush. The River Red Gum dictated where the Machinery could go.
Below left is a view up toward where the more domesticated wildlife live. The Dingoes, chooks, only slightly and I, well I wouldn’t exactly say I was domesticated.
You can see the precious Fairy Tree Lying down, it unfortunately came down in the last flood. It was possibly the biggest and oldest tree at Dingo Dreaming.
In the 1800’s when this was Mia Mia Flat it was a ‘Tent City’ full of miners that mined to the extreme, with no care for the beautiful ecology that would have been or its Inhabitants.
Including Buckley who was murdered right here on July 8th 1962 (more on that later). He is another story, with a page dedicated to him.
Bottom right is the fairy tree from the opposite direction. The fairy Tree is the only Access to Treasure Island, when it does finely flood of course. Then the fun really begins. I get to plant the natives back. Then watch the bird life increase in numbers. 50 or so species of Birds have been sighted or heard at Dingo Dreaming. Which had increased since stage 1 of Lake Envy. So come on rain don’t be shy, the Ecology needs you. The Swamp Wallabies are even wondering how to do a rain Dance.
Nev & Mick looking at the water coming in to see if what they did is working. Happy I’d say
This is what it looked like at nearly 3’oclock today, the Fairy Tree is just perfect. The ducks had found it all this morning too
The Frogs are happy to call Dingo Dreaming Home

About a week ago, probably the night of the Tornado…!10 little Ducklings hatched. Now there are only 6…but they are have the Kookaburras, Whistling Kites, Ravens and the Fox knows how to use Fairy Tree Bridge